Sunday, October 25, 2009


Everybody talking about faith got it. You see faith is talk. No talk, no faith. If you say you got it, you have it. And if you say you don’t have it, you don’t have it. You can’t have it, if you say you don’t have it. And if you say you have it, you have what you say. Every time you say what you say, you say what’s in your heart. And so if you talk, faith-talk, then faith is in your heart. Now, if you talk doubt and unbelief, THEN doubt and unbelief is in your heart. If you are talking doubt and unbelief: “Shut your mouth.” If you don’t shut your mouth you will have what you say. Now open your mouth and tell yourself and everybody else that God CAN DO ANYTHING but fail. Talk God- talk and you talk faith-talk. You see you can’t faith-talk without God- talk. And you can’t God- talk without faith-talk. Faith-talk is the proof that you believe God not only CAN, but will do all that you say that God will do. If you dare say it, God will prove that your hope in God to give you what you hope in your heart that God will give you is faith that gets you what you hope God will give you.Now remember the greatest faith-talk is prayer-talk. What's that you're saying, "you don't believe me." Well, talk to Mark (Mark 11:25), tell him what you don't believe.
I hear you raising the question, “What is faith?” Well, being this is Labor Day, I guess I can do a little work, and answer your question. Faith is: (1) love work; (2) abandoning sight; (3) living while dying; (4) living with dying; (5) an inheritance; (6) eating what you didn’t plant; (7) seeing light in darkness; (8) a river running in the spirit watering possibilities; (9) hope outrunning fear; (10) driving without gas; (11) turning words into gold; (12) dying when old; (13) sucking honey out of the rock of doubt; (14) a gift of the spirit; (15) standing without feet; (15) the path to salvation; (16) pleasing God; (17) the ears of God’s word; (18) holy assurance; (19) human hands at work; (20) salvation drinking grace; (21) grandmother’s gift; (22) grandfather’s speech; (23) mother’s eyes; (24) father’s ears; (25) the evidence that you trust God to bring into sight that which your heart longs for but your eyes cannot see; (26) faith is prayer; and (27) faith is earning a good report.

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