Thursday, April 12, 2012

If You Happy and You Know it Clap Your Hands

You can be sure of happiness if you do no harm to others. Your future is a light on the road of happiness if you watch your mouth, speaking kind and loving words to everyone in every situation. Writing your ticket to happiness is simple; do to others only what you would want other to do to you. Most of the unhappiness in life comes because others hurt , bring that hurt back to those who hurt them. Do good to others and know that today and tomorrow bring happiness, and you know it. Then at the end and beginning of each day you can clap hands and sing: "Yes, I'm happy and I know it."

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Praise God For Your Prudent Wife

Proverbs 19:14

House and riches are the inheritance of fathers: and a prudent wife is from the Lord.

It's great to be a man of God with good looks. Your good looks are a gift from God, but don't give your good looks credit for causing your wife to fall hopelessly in love with you.
Mister Good Looking, your wife married you because God moved on her heart to do so. How do I know? That's any easy question to answer: "The Bible Tells Me So."

Pick up your Bible and turn to the Book of Proverbs, Chapter 19, verse14. Now, read the Word of the Lord: "House and riches are the inheritance of fathers: and a prudent wife is from the Lord."

Proverbs 19:14 makes it clear that there are somethings money can't buy, and good looks can't acquire. Parents can leave children houses and lands, jewlery, cars and toys; but parents can't leave their children prudent husbands and wives. When one is blessed with a prudent wife, one can be sure that the only way one has such a wife is because God gave the blessing.

If one could inherit a wife in the same way one inherits houses and lands then the poor would find themselves without prudent wives. Thank God for God, who gives prudent wives to the rich as well as the poor.

If your wife is clever, wise, careful in how she goes about walking, talking, and speaking she is prudent. If your wife is capable of handing business affairs, and solving conflicts and problems; she is prudent. Why don't you give God a shout out praise now. Good job! I can hear you here in Oklahoma City, shouting out, "Praise the Lord!"

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

When God Becomes Our Enemy


But they rebelled, and vexed his Holy Spirit: therefore he was turned to be their enemy, and he fought against them (Isaiah 63:10 KJV)

In life there are many things I don’t want to experience, the horrible and painful encounters of life. And yet I know that in this life there are fiery trials (I Peter 4:12). When the fiery trials of life come, I have an anchor, it’s God’s unchanging hand. You know the song, “hold to his hand, God’s unchanging hand, build you hopes on things eternal, hold to God’s unchanging hand.”

This is a great song, but we better be sure that we are doing what God tells us to do before we put our faith in God’s unchanging hand. If we are not doing what God requires we can forget the song, “Hold to God’s Unchanging Hand,” because God’s hand is not there for us to hold onto when we do our will and not God’s.

In the book of Isaiah, Chapter 63, verse 9, we read that God is afflicted whenever Israel is afflicted. Not only that, but the angel who stands in the presence of God saves Israel, and God redeems Israel, and carries them on God own back. But when Israel rebels against God, and vex God holy Spirit; God turns against Israel and become Israel’s enemy. When God becomes Israel’s enemy God fights against Israel.

This text makes it clear, that God’s hand is changeable. God’s hand changes when we change. As long as we do the will of God, God’s hand is there for us to hold. But when we let sin run like a river through our lives, we vex the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit can’t live in an unclean temple; unclean in heart, mind, and spirit.

Let’s take a minute and stop singing, “Hold to God Unchanging Hand,” in our hard times to take a good look at the enemy. We might just be surprise to find that the enemy, fighting against us is God. Let’s get it together, we don’t want God to fight against us, because that’s a fight we can’t win.

God is God of the Fat Not the Skinny

God Is God of the Fat not the Skinny

Psalms 65:11

You crown the year with your goodness; and your paths drop fatness. (Ps. 65:11)

In the time of David, when God crowns the year with goodness, everything is fat because God walks through the land and the people follow. When God walks and the people follow God’s path, every step God makes drop fatness. The fatness of God drops upon the pastures of the wilderness, and so the wilderness has fat pastures for grazing animals.

The little hills of the wilderness rejoice because of fatness, everything is green and beautiful. Flock cloth the pastures and corn covers the valley. The fatness of the valleys gives life that compels the valleys to shout and sing.

This is the year for the people of God to pray that God crowns the year with goodness. And yes, we also want fatness; but fatness belongs to those who follow God’s path. One cannot expect fatness if one is not walking God’s path. Those who walk in the footsteps of God walk in the fatness of God, while those who follow their own path boast about being skinny.